
Friday, April 22, 2011

other half

I myself believe in LOVE Or better that more or less there is a person for each of us. Our other half. The problem begins when we believe there s only one such a person.statistically.. there should be more of them.. but how likely are we going to meet half of them during our life? well.. very unlikely. so when we meet somebody we r trying to hold on to them as if this is our last boat to paradise. our last ticket to a happy life and that s exactly where we r making a mistake. it is very human. me myself i am like that, too. i know that when we loose something very precious and refuse to blur our vision with tears we can see other chances 
other options, other opportunities coming to us. and they r usually much more desirable than those we gave up. but yet we r not willing to give anything up. because we r afraid to stay alone. whatever that means. even for a little while. even this little while seems like eternity to us. 

also.. there s another point of view.. taking chances like that takes courage and cold brain.. a very little of emotions and a hand that is not shaking when holding a stiff knife..

Dear everyone, Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late. You don't have to like it... it's just easier if you do.
Therefore, Love to the fullest while you are able to LOVE 

heart's bubble

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