
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

i'll do it all again

Every once in a while we find ourselves a little lost.  Sometimes we lose faith, we lose someone we love, or we misread our directions in life.  We make wrong turns, we take bad advice, and we go against our better judgment.  When these things happen, we experience the realness of life.  These experiences make us realize that dreams are merely dreams if we don't face the reality of what it takes to make them come true.  Once again, I find myself at this point.
After a number of 'wrong turns' and a list of bad decisions, I find myself a victim of my own mistakes.  
Being a victim of your own mistakes is the worst of all - because, after all, you play the role of both perpetrator and the one being victimized.Therefore, it comes down to your only two options:  continue to make the same mistakes OR, simply change.  

 I have decided to choose the latter option.  I'm going to change.
Except this time, it is not a "cold turkey" change.  It isn't something that I decided to do one day out of the blue.  I have been changing.  The inner-most depths of my heart and soul have endured heartache and pain and learned lessons the hard way.  Therefore, I can take what I learned from my past darkest hours and use it to shine some light on the gloom that creeps around me.  As for the people I have hurt along the way, I am sorry.  I can only hope that the ones who know me best know that I want to do whatever it takes to make it better, no matter how long that may take.  I find glimpses of joy in knowing that I am prayed for, supported, worried for, concerned for, cared for, and most of all - loved. 

I have a strong, loving family, supportive family who loves me and a multitude of well-wishing friends.  I am surrounded by love, which brings me peace as well as happiness.  I have past mistakes that serve as a reminder that no matter how tough life may get, it goes on.  I have a certain amount of jadedness that edged me and shaped me into knowing that it isn't about how many times you fall down in life as long as you get back up.  There is an understanding inside of me that knows that suffering is a part of life, but enough knowledge in me, too, that assures me that there are plenty of things to rejoice in at the same time.  I have faith in a Lord that never leaves me, provides for me, and gives me a fortress and refuge.  I have a book that is filled with the truth and is a lamp unto my feet.  I have love, guidance, and new direction in so many ways.
 That is why I know that it doesn't end here.  As a victim of my own mistakes, I am in control of fixing those mistakes.  I have a choice to hate myself or love myself or abandon myself.  The love vs. hate - this I struggle with but I always come to the conclusion that I will find a way to love myself no matter what.  That was one of the lessons learned the hard way - if I love myself, others will love me as well.  If I hate me, hate will linger and ruin much more than just the soul that dwells inside of me.  If I abandon myself, I will waste the ambition, perseverance, and self-actualization that are still a part of me.  Although darkened by shadows of my past mistakes, those things are still very much there and are the sails that will carry me back out to sea when my ship is repaired.

So, as I prepared to be worked on - nurtured, loved, supported, and cared for by the family and friends I mentioned above, I just want to say thank you for those that love me despite my self-circumstance.  We all live in this world together but experience LIFE in such different ways... even though I expect very few people or no one at all to understand me and this transition I find myself in, I still hope that I am allowed to prove myself again and regain the respect and admiration that I once had of so many people.  I've let some people down - mostly that strong and loving family I hold so dearly, but I am confidant in this very moment because of the confidence they continue to instill in me - even in my darkest hour.
Thank you to those that support me and love me.  And for those that don't, I understand your disappointment.  I have disappointed myself but have also made myself proud by doing what is best for me at this particular point in life.  I hope I can gain the chance to overcome these disappointments - this is my very prayer.  After all, it is a winding road when you're in the lost and found. Even more, I'm turning around and changing my life.  I will never give up! Phewww..

 Another you =)

<3 bubble

Monday, January 17, 2011

You can love again, but you can’t live again.

When I look back on this year there are various words coming up, but I think: free, careless, laughter,bad and good times,bitter and sweet, sums it up pretty well. I've learned to care less about what people think of me, I am less insecure than before and learned to stand up for myself and be an own secure person, a lot stronger than before. I'm proud of myself for that, and because of this I learned to let go. Not to over think and analyze everything. Letting some thoughts/things/people go and stop caring so much. When I look back I see good times, so much fun, just let everything be. Lots of late nights and being free.Bad times nearly stop me from moving forward but i manage to hang on and keep on moving on the right path. But after all my bitter times was covered by the sweetest times given…Hmm..Even it doesn't last for long yet it making me smile :)  This year has been a year to catch my breathe, take a break and laugh it off. I see this year as a year of with such great moments with a lot of highs in love and friendship and a lot of these memories are actually making me smile at this moment just thinking about it. It has been a great year and I've learned a lot about myself and the importance of friendship.

I want my 2011 to be a little bit more substantial and I don't want to escape anymore from the 'heavy things'. It is time to put my act together and find out what I want. I've always been scared to make big decision and commit myself to one thing as I am scared to make the wrong decision and end up with lots of regret. Looking back at 2010, I ran away from the important stuff but I feel I have to face it this year. I want to be less afraid of the future. I always kind of liked the feeling that everything was possible and I had the whole world in front of me with all its options. This year it will come down to the fact that I have to make decisions and plan my future a bit, which scares the shit out of me. This year I want to find my passion, something that I'm actually good at and I want to do the rest of my life. This is hard because there are so many things that I like but not love in life. Or love but not well at. Or love but don't want to do it the rest of my life. Nothing is certain at the moment and I just need a plan and search for my passion.

Life must move on. The world doesn't stop spinning just because you can’t see the light of day. Life is waiting. Don’t miss out on it. Every second is a chance to be born again. Embrace the opportunities life has to offer- regret is probably more painful than heartache. You can love again, but you can’t live again.

love your life..
<3 bubble

Thursday, January 6, 2011

sue me for being late

I am finally back on track.Happy New Year peeps! yeah...I know am late (harap maaf) ^^ but anyway finally am back again into this blogging's world. 2011.A new year, a new beginning, a fresh start and change, four things most and many people say. Thing is when it comes around... it’s just the same old thing, just a different day in a different year and with  different wish in your wish-list.ahah..i haven't done with my wish-list for this year but as i know its going to be a long list =) 
Dear everyone,Happy New Year once again.
<3 bubble   

Thank you 2010 - it has been unforgettable. 
But it's time for new memories, 
new faces, new laughs, new mistakes, new tears, new adventures, and a new year. 

Hello 2011.