Sunday, September 25, 2011
Excess baggage of live
All of us have baggage.
In the journey of life, sometimes, it's better to lose and rid oneself of the excess baggage rather than drag it along and have it weigh you down.
If you try to keep all your baggage, you'll always be in transit; neither moving towards your destination nor enjoying your journey along the way.
You'll land up paying a huge price.
So, be a light traveler! Have adventures & enjoy everything that you do; let not your baggage stop you from experiencing all that life has to offer!
love your live to the fullest!! <3
bubble <3
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
If i were
I have something to share to you..yala..YOU..aihh..sik percaya?oh well percayalah..hehe..
Here we go..
I have decided it would be fun to see what it would be like to be different people and what I would do in their shoes. So, I've made a list of "IF I WERE...."
If I were...
A doctor.... (my 1st ambition ..hik2)I would listen to the patients more, you know, actually see how they feel and see if I can really fix it instead of just giving them medicine and blowing them off (I know the doctors out there are doing the same thing, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one..kan3 ..all the best to all the doctors in the world. ^^)
An English teacher....(aha..i will..*fingers crossed*) I would really read through and correct exactly the things I think they should change instead of just giving a letter grade. I would also respect all different artistic talents and ideas instead of giving a letter grade and no corrections. And last but not least I have set 2 goals for this profession.
My first and greatest goal is to be the best teacher I can be!!
phewws.....I wish... :)
Aright peeps..this are all that I can figure out for You. Wish me all the best and I wish You all the best too.
Here we go..
I have decided it would be fun to see what it would be like to be different people and what I would do in their shoes. So, I've made a list of "IF I WERE...."
If I were...
A doctor.... (my 1st ambition ..hik2)I would listen to the patients more, you know, actually see how they feel and see if I can really fix it instead of just giving them medicine and blowing them off (I know the doctors out there are doing the same thing, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one..kan3 ..all the best to all the doctors in the world. ^^)
An English teacher....(aha..i will..*fingers crossed*) I would really read through and correct exactly the things I think they should change instead of just giving a letter grade. I would also respect all different artistic talents and ideas instead of giving a letter grade and no corrections. And last but not least I have set 2 goals for this profession.
My first and greatest goal is to be the best teacher I can be!!
President/Congressman/etc.... I would put a tax on harmful pollutants to encourage people to buy more environmentally-friendly. Things such as electronics, products made at a plant that polluted the air, produce that flew over seas, and all those things that hurt the environment.So that no more people can say "It's just cheaper this way".
A famous actress/singer.... I would not give into the world of the famous and I would try my best to stay somewhat normal...easier said then done of course, but possible. I would enjoy this one too. I think I would be both an actress and a singer, my instrument for on stage and in studio would be my keyboard.<3
A Zookeeper... I'd make sure all the animals were in perfect condition, and I'd probably try and help them escape. This would probably not be a very good idea for me. Neither would a pet store owner.
A big business owner... I'd make sure we helped people more and had lower prices! We'd offer tons of sales all the time to anyone- never mind coupons they just waste paper, time, and the company's money. Everyone would get the sale price.
A person in charge on Sesame Street... I'd make sure the cookie monster was kept. We can keep the veggie monster too, but I was very upset when the cookie monster was gone. ;)
A worker at a Butterfly Museum... I'd sneak in after everyone had left and I'd just watch all the beautiful butterflies. I'd have picnics in the room on lunch break and I'd spend a whole lot of time there!
A writer... I'd make sure my book was written in first person (that's my favourite because it's more personal). It would have some sort of romance in it as well as some fantasy and adventure. I sell it and hopefully it would become a bestseller!
A fashion designer.... I would do everything green first. Then I would design ballerina- inspired clothing with a touch of France. You know, pink-y, flowery dresses that some models wear? I love that style and I wish I could get away with wearing that all the time!
A boy :)... I would treat a girl right! I would pay for everything and open doors for her, I'd take care of her, but I wouldn't do everything for her.
A boy :)... I would treat a girl right! I would pay for everything and open doors for her, I'd take care of her, but I wouldn't do everything for her.
One of those random citizens who refuses to smile... I would smile back when that crazy girl passes me 20 times at the grocery store and smiles at me every time instead of just staring at her blankly like she's stupid, even if I think she is. :P
A ballerina... I'd put my heart and soul into dancing and I'd have a whole lot of FUN..! :P
phewws.....I wish... :)
Aright peeps..this are all that I can figure out for You. Wish me all the best and I wish You all the best too.
Everyone is always on the lookout, in pursuit, on the prowl, scouting and searching for 'Someone'.
'someone' like me.
'someone' like you
p/s: dear 'Someone' remember that, there is always 'someone' love you. :P
bubble's heart. <3
Sunday, June 26, 2011
once again..the day is safe
When we get hurt, we really can't deny what's inside the way we felt it.. Its actualy feel so relieving when we cried so much instead keeping it.. It is also a way of expresing our emotions.. Well i think life must go on. There'll may be ups and down life musts continue everyday! Let's keep our faith to God for us to be strengthen our weaknesses.May sometimes we find it hard to forget but i realize that if we don't want to be more affected, whoever hurt you forgiveness is the only key because we live in this world not to be perfct but atleast learn how to forgive and forget
As I grow older there are certain things that I slowly understand and realized. We never know what things will be happen to us the next day. In fact, we cannot chose the problems that are coming it's just happen whether your prepared or not. so it's better to be like a soldier always ready to fight the battle whenever it occurs.
Believing in ourselves and keep positive can really help us to be strong and confident to solve our problems.
Let's make life easy when get's harder. God is always there to us. Have a good day peeps! <3
As I grow older there are certain things that I slowly understand and realized. We never know what things will be happen to us the next day. In fact, we cannot chose the problems that are coming it's just happen whether your prepared or not. so it's better to be like a soldier always ready to fight the battle whenever it occurs.
Believing in ourselves and keep positive can really help us to be strong and confident to solve our problems.
Let's make life easy when get's harder. God is always there to us. Have a good day peeps! <3
p/s: keep on loving cause LOVE makes the world go round.. ^^
heart's little bubble <3
Thursday, May 26, 2011
i + 1
It's terribly difficult to find someone who completely loves you for the person whom you are. Most of the time, people make ridiculous demands; they expect you to change the little bits of yourself to cater to their wishes.
What I think is, we all deserve that someone, who will love the good, the bad, the disgusting, the weird bits and pieces about us - being late all the time, not knowing how to play sports properly, not having any talent in particular.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
breath in breath out
I'm terrible at making decisions. No, really--one of the worst.(ini seyessss)
The problem is that I see both sides. Of everything. Always. And this isn't even an exaggeration, either. It's true: I'm perpetually, inevitably torn. So when big decisions roll around--the kind that can change my life course, alter my destiny, and quite possibly reshape life as I know it? Well, folks, anxiety doesn't even cover it.
I find myself making list after list, panicked and flustered as I weigh the pros and cons. But what if... And then I could... How about I... But, but, but--on and on, for as long as my mind can stand it, until I finally throw up my hands and say Enough.
And when I reach that enough place--the eventual breaking point where I decide that my sanity is seriously at stake--I realize that I simply have to choose. To choose based on my gut, on my heart, on that tiny little voice that finds the strength to whisper only when all hope feels lost. And then, after choosing, comes the really difficult part--the aftermath, the quiet hours when the weight of a decision can fully sink in.
It's ongoing, that challenging aftermath. It involves re-choosing, day after day, and accepting the fact that either way--no matter which path you'd picked--you would have been forced to look back and wonder regardless. If you'd settled on A, you would have wondered about B. If you'd opted for B, you would suddenly remember A's appeal.
Such is life. Such is choosing. And yet--how wonderful it is, and how lucky we must feel, for having a choice in the first place.
P/S:Things happen. You have NO idea what will happen in a week from today or even in a few hours. Chances are something will happen that will knock you down (whether it be emotionally or psychically) but you've just got to pick yourself back up. I know what happened isn't a big deal and I'm pretty sure anyone in my place would have done the same thing. And sure, I'm a little worried about it all and the "What if's" But you know what? You only have one chance to do it, there are risks doing anything in the world. So you just gotta go have fun, right?
I am, are you? =)
heart's little bubble
Friday, April 22, 2011
Either you love didn't love at all
"When you figure out love is all that matters after all, it sure makes everything else...seem so small." |
How do you know where the balance is? In love and looking for it, I mean. I'm not talking about anyone specific here, so no need to start up the rumour mill. The scenario usually goes like this: First I backs off, then he back off. Then everything turns up side down. It's sort of a sad state of affairs really. And sometimes, I wonder if my past or our past makes it just a little harder to decipher the clues and cues.
I don't want it to. I wish it didn't. But I can't help feeling like it does. At least sometimes.
Half the time, this leaves me having this conversation in my head:
Me: Don't you ever get tired of doing "the right thing?"
Me: Why, yes, Sophie, I do. I know exactly how you feel.
Me: phewww.... I'm glad I'm not the only one.
Me: Don't worry. you're not. Sometimes I feel like I'm always letting my (well, ours) mind dictate our actions and pushing our heart full of pumping emotions further and further down into our subconscious? (aihh...)
I came to the conclusion that there could be a bit of truth in that quote because I live this quote almost every day. You see when you fell in love with someone but circumstances changes the situation, it doesn't mean that you automatically forget what made this person laugh, smiles or forget about their dreams. It's like a memory from your childhood, it's no longer there but you remember great details about it, a moment you remember playing dress up, a moment where you were happy all the time, as time change the physical moment are gone but the memories have the tendency to stay. Sure the feeling of falling in love may fade away but I think it shifts from falling in love to simply love and care about the person.I am not going to pretend that the feeling doesn't fade away because even after the heart goes through a heartbreak, it has the power to go on and love again.
P/S: I have no words to say. I'm not going to fight, I'm not going to defend anything. Just one thing, THANK YOU for loving me, THANK YOU for caring.THANK YOU. =) I think we’ll be happy – ecstatic with our lives. I certainly hope we’ll be happy. Scars can become less prominent, patches can be removed, bruises can fade. We’ll heal
..just stay in love... teeheee... ^^
other half
I myself believe in LOVE Or better that more or less there is a person for each of us. Our other half. The problem begins when we believe there s only one such a person.statistically.. there should be more of them.. but how likely are we going to meet half of them during our life? well.. very unlikely. so when we meet somebody we r trying to hold on to them as if this is our last boat to paradise. our last ticket to a happy life and that s exactly where we r making a mistake. it is very human. me myself i am like that, too. i know that when we loose something very precious and refuse to blur our vision with tears we can see other chances
other options, other opportunities coming to us. and they r usually much more desirable than those we gave up. but yet we r not willing to give anything up. because we r afraid to stay alone. whatever that means. even for a little while. even this little while seems like eternity to us.
also.. there s another point of view.. taking chances like that takes courage and cold brain.. a very little of emotions and a hand that is not shaking when holding a stiff knife..
Dear everyone, Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late. You don't have to like it... it's just easier if you do.
Therefore, Love to the fullest while you are able to LOVE
heart's bubble
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
How it is possible?
I've finally finished reading the book a couple of weeks ago. Surprisingly this book was bought by me last semester (around see,me myself had forgotten about it :P ) After keeping it on the table for couple of month,i finally had the chance to read it . =)
Thanks For The Memories BY Cecilia Ahern |
"Cecelia Ahern is queen of the modern fairytale ;In Thanks for the Memories,Ahern has given her readers exactly what they want: love, magic, happy endings.And most of all,hope"
The Irish Times
Ok, let's get back to the review. Now, I found it hard to read the first few chapter because it was more to flash back. But i just continue reading and u know what, it cause me still on the couch for few hours.Yes..i am..Meaning that am in love with the book. =D I find out that the writer presented a sweet and very enjoyable tale.
I like the quote from this novel."How can you know someone you've never met?"
Joyce Conway leaves hospital after recovering from a terrible accident. Having faced a near-death experience, she is suddenly awakened to the stark reality of her futile marriage, and vows to start afresh -- separating from husband Conor and moving back in with her dad. Justin Hitchcock arrives in Dublin to give a guest lecture. Recently divorced and living near his daughter Bea, but far from his Chicago home, he's lonely and restless. When beautiful doctor Sarah persuades him to give blood, he nonchalantly accepts, hoping he'll at least get a date with her. Then one rainy evening, Joyce and Justin cross paths in the strangest of circumstances. They have no idea that their fates are more entangled than they could ever have imagined ! It is a tale of déjà vu via blood transfusions. They connected to each other through the blood transfusion.Sweet isn't it? =)
Now i would like to admit to you that I love the storyline. =)
Hmm..okay that's all on the book review.New semester just started and another new subject to be learn so people,thats mean I started to get myself busy again..huhuhu..But anyway I i will try to steal some times to read.. okay..
Till i see you again ^^
P/S : Can you love someone that you have never meet? Can you? Let your heart whispers..
- So listen carefully,smile and ...spread the Love..
- So listen carefully,smile and ...spread the Love..
<3 bubble
Monday, March 28, 2011
I wouldn’t trade it for the world
Relationship..A words that have a lots of definitions in many aspect.I was thinking about a relationship between man n woman where "love" exist to tide it up. These special relationship had been exist even before you and me existed in this world.Aha, we are here now because there's a relationship made us exist. now we can see the power of a relationship.Now let me share to you some other side of the relationship .
Relationships come with a lot of tribulations. We fight, we yell, we get jealous, we cry, we feel pain, we get hurt, we scream, we get frustrated, we get angry, we get upset, we break up and our emotions take us over. So why do we do it? Why would we want to feel not just sad, but truly hurt, sad to the point where your whole body hurts just because of one person, sad to the point where you feel empty when everything falls apart, sad to the point where your heart aches for the company of that being. I’ll tell you why I do it, its because besides all those moments when your stupidity gets in the way of what your truly feeling and you “fight”, the moments when you are truly loving someone are the most touching, astounding, magnificent moments you will ever experience. When two people are just loving each other its magical. And to those of you who are to scared of getting hurt and too scared of the baggage that comes with relationships, let me tell you this, having someone you love and having them love you back is a feeling that you can not substitute. Having someone look at you with such a deep emotion is remarkable. Having someone touch with so much care brings a feeling of weightlessness throughout your whole body. Having someone whisper they love you feels like they screamed it. Having someone to hold your hand at all times just feels special. Having someone to be your best friend and be loyal to you and never lie to you feels so safe. So yeah, relationships suck, breaking up hurts, but having that someone that you feel so comfortable with, someone that you let inside your soul, someone that lets you inside theirs, someone to talk to at all hours during the day, someone to laugh with, someone to fall asleep with, having someone that is your other half for whatever amount of time you are together, is true beauty and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
P/s: LOVE is not a maybe thing
<3 bubble
Relationships come with a lot of tribulations. We fight, we yell, we get jealous, we cry, we feel pain, we get hurt, we scream, we get frustrated, we get angry, we get upset, we break up and our emotions take us over. So why do we do it? Why would we want to feel not just sad, but truly hurt, sad to the point where your whole body hurts just because of one person, sad to the point where you feel empty when everything falls apart, sad to the point where your heart aches for the company of that being. I’ll tell you why I do it, its because besides all those moments when your stupidity gets in the way of what your truly feeling and you “fight”, the moments when you are truly loving someone are the most touching, astounding, magnificent moments you will ever experience. When two people are just loving each other its magical. And to those of you who are to scared of getting hurt and too scared of the baggage that comes with relationships, let me tell you this, having someone you love and having them love you back is a feeling that you can not substitute. Having someone look at you with such a deep emotion is remarkable. Having someone touch with so much care brings a feeling of weightlessness throughout your whole body. Having someone whisper they love you feels like they screamed it. Having someone to hold your hand at all times just feels special. Having someone to be your best friend and be loyal to you and never lie to you feels so safe. So yeah, relationships suck, breaking up hurts, but having that someone that you feel so comfortable with, someone that you let inside your soul, someone that lets you inside theirs, someone to talk to at all hours during the day, someone to laugh with, someone to fall asleep with, having someone that is your other half for whatever amount of time you are together, is true beauty and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
P/s: LOVE is not a maybe thing
<3 bubble
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
who make u a King?...
I’ve always had to deal with people telling me what to do, with parents, work, school, and sometimes even friends. I’ve finally started doing what I want and what I need to do for myself. I heard a song the other day that made me think about the way I deal with Life, its by Sara Bareilles call The King of Anything. Music has always had a way of speaking to my soul, and this song brought a special message. Life is too short to be living on someone else’s terms. My parents have taught me everything they could and my heart must fill in the gaps. Ilove who I have become because of what I have told myself to do, because of what I decided was right. We must be the king of everything in our lives and rule over what is being done and not let others lead us down the roads that are meant for them. Everyone’s path is different, find yours and follow it the way you want to. Don’t let others tell you how to live, who to be, or what is right.
tadaaaa.............i cut my hair short... <3 |
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