
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

face the fact

It's time to come back, face the facts. A dose of reality with a dash of honesty is the cure. You can pretend all you want, but you just hurt yourself. For we know the false security, is simple a facade. 
So, open up, break down. Love.Scream. Laugh. Throw things. Hug things. Write things. Sing things. Feel. Now. 

Just don't wait. 
You have to live, today.Live it to the fullest.
Or risk being numb, for good.
Have a good day peeps.... =)


p/s:So smile. Some moments are hard for everyone. Even I. The important thing is to acknowledge it...and continue to look for the good. Don't concentrate so hard on the sadness that you close your eyes to the good around you. It's over. Let it go. Stop holding your breath. =)

to be still

In a world where everyone is trying to cram 24 hours into the day...take it.
To be still.
Because you deserve it. You owe it to your heart to let it take top priority. Forget your mind for a second. Just listen to the beating of your heart. How amazing, eh?kan3 

With each thump, do you know what is happening? It's pumping love through your veins. I'm not talking the puppy dog romantic kind of love. I'm talking about the stuff that breaks down walls, opens eyes, and makes amazing things happen.
It's in YOU.It's in ME.
So don't waste it. Don't let it sit petrified in your veins due to lack of use.
Create a beautiful world full of love. Because seeing things from a martyr's perspective in your mind isn't doing any good, and you're definitely not doing yourself any favors by thinking that way...instead, use your heart to become the light people need, right now.


Now take a deep build. Not because you have to. But because it's in your soul.

Listen. Love. Shine on.
<3 bubble :p

Monday, December 13, 2010

this is a past continuous tense

I’d talked about the past constantly. Wallowing in the quicksand of "what ifs." 
When I tire of looking over my shoulder, I spend the rest of the day panicked with talk of tomorrow. The fog of anxiety making it impossible to think rationally. Well I come to realize that I did forget about something. 
Right now."If you continue the worry, anticipation, and regret...your mind won't have time for this moment. The magical chance to do something, to make a difference. It'll be so clouded you won't be able to see the opportunities standing right in front of you." 
what matters here & now is the present. I try to not think too much about my past, all my mistakes, wrong doings etc.Nowadays; I've come to realize that I’m beginning to live for the moment not for the future. My plea to you (including myself :p ) Stop complaining about the past. Stop worrying about the future. Open your eyes. 
Dear everyone, the future is something that none of us are sure of. What's the point of planning & thinking about something which we don’t know whether it’s going to happen or not.
What's important is NOW. That's what we're supposed to think about. Seize the moment.
If we let go of this moment, there's no turning back. No point regretting when it's over.
I've heard of people saving up for their future & ignoring their present. YOU tell me.
What would u do if, just a major IF u were to die tomorrow? *touch wood*
Then there's no more future. All I’m saying is live for this moment. We don’t know what's in store for us in the future.kan3..
Don’t jeopardize your present just because of your possessiveness towards the future.
In the end, that’s all that matters.
Now take it, Eat it, Digest it :)

Live in the present. Be here, now. ^^ 
<3 bubble

Sunday, December 12, 2010

day after day

It's OK to have a bad long as it doesn't turn into a bad week or month. Being down doesn't deserve that much time in your daily schedule.
If you think about it, most of the time it's not even necessary to make a "day" out of the bummer of a feeling. After all, it was just amoment that was "bad" right? 
Stop allowing those moments to ruin all of the good things happening around you. 
I refuse to believe the darkness of ill intentions can block out the rays of awesome surrounding us every day. Let go of the night, look towards'll be here sooner than you think. 

So, wake up. Right now. Be your dream, while you are conscious. Create your fate, while you can still see. Make it a reality, while you still have the ability to "do." Or, risk waking up to a feeling of despair, and a blank book of "what ifs." 
Fill the pages. Live. Regrets don't exist here. Only lessons. Beautiful, living, breathing life lessons. :)

<3 bubble

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Floating on

I’ve been logging into this account for several times only to find myself staring blankly at the screen. Where do I begin?

There are so many uncertainties. no matter how much I learnt in life, no matter how many damages I've caused & witnessed, I always have that fear of what’s going to happen next.
Mistakes. You swear you'll never repeat them, but at long last, despite knowing what the repercussions will be, you'll end up making the exact same mistakes again and again. for instance, fall madly in love, get cheated on, get hurt, be okay, get back up and fall back in love, again.
To avoid being in the dark, I always let my curiosity get the best of me rather than waiting for time to tell. And without a doubt, it killed me. Every single time, including now. All I know is that I shouldn't have done what I've did. This habit has gotta go.syuhh syuhh...
No amount of gravity can pull me back down. I let myself float for far too long, I dont even know where I am. I want to be stable again. I want to be able to stand on my very own two feet. 
I am not saying I’m unhappy, don’t get me wrong. This might be about you, but then again, it might not.
Do you even understand? Maybe NOT

~bubble's heart~

Monday, December 6, 2010

a closure with coping

"Closure" is just a term created by people so they can ask the same questions over and over hoping that someday they might get a different answer. I don't need any answers. I never really understood.
Hey, this posting-every-day thing is growing on me. Like a period on the end of a web-surfing sentence as I head off to bed. You know I found a relatable image to share:

Eh, that's a text. Whatever. Also, I'm only about 12% heart at this point. I read this post today about a friend of a friend who can't help but dream, can't help but imagine what could be out of what seems as though it shouldn't have been. She can't help but extend an inkling into forever. All my coping mechanism inklings are extending into forever, which will lead to coping forever. No, not coping. After a certain point, the coping will be over. to coping. A new forever is running in my direction. Ok la bah kan3.... :)
Overall I know there's still a long way ahead of me. :) Go Sophy Go  :))

cheers peeps..!

<3 bubble

Thursday, December 2, 2010

i heart u hater..




so what? :p I'm holding on for dear life. Dear, dear life... ^^

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Jingle-jingle bell

first of all: Hello December..^^ i promise that i will be a good girl ok. ^^
second of all: lots of uncertainty in my head
third of all: today has been a good day.
                                                   that's gonna happen more often... :)) seharusnya Ok..

I could not possibly say all I've been thinking right now. My mind is a whirlpool. Chess pool, maybe.

Here's a snippet: I see what God's doing by removing control from me. He's making me squirm and retraining where I turn. I've prayed more and trusted more and gleaned more wisdom in the past week than in the rest of my life combined. Now the name of the game is to fend off spiritual warfare and resentment when I ask God for peace and don't find any. I always used to find it there.

I know He knows what's best for me, and I trust that that will be revealed to me in my lifetime.

I wish I could peek into what best for me and rest has assured that it's the same thing I yearn for.

I wish I could control what I yearn for. I can't control it, but I do think it's changing..

I prefer the days when I want to say, "screw you, realists!" to the days when I am the realist.
there are signs everywhere. The one at the top of my list is that though we are going places, neither of us is going anywhere.

and for now, I am steeping in that optimistic certainty.
screw you, realists! ~dush~

Dear everyone,this world is seriously a superb unpredictable place to stay in. People come and go.
Things you own are now yours and next not yours the weather change hot to cold without warning. Don’t wait. Go and appreciate everything you have now make every sentence your last sentence because you wouldn't know which word are going to be your last words.Make no regrets. :)


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

role of the poetry

Poetry is a sensory. Its a pull phrases together from what I feel, what I imagine those around me feel. I pull phrases from what I wish I knew how to feel. Curiously enough, sensory overload represses the phrases and pulls me only to feel.

I'm not sure why I thought that a divine calling required a skill. Or why I thought senses to be overrated; I wished they would fall away, pave the way--get out the way!--of the truth. I expected the truth to end profoundly, to comfort me, to push me, to call me to thrive. I expected a truth to list the steps to discovering truth. And no, I didn't/still don't care that truth is objective, subjective, vague, and up to interpretation. Its ability to be interpreted is only your interpretation of it.

Sorry. I sound like a philosopher..(serius bah ^^ )

What I'm getting at is a discovery. I discovered, while pushing to listen past the sirens for something profound, something supernatural to guide my feet, that the sirens are profound. My ability to pull them apart from each other, to try and transform them, Transformer style (bumblebee la tek..hihi) , into the sound of falling rain, is a calling in itself. I am called as a follower of Jesus Christ, submerged in the center of the world, to sense.

Because, friends, those who say (while I see what they're getting at) "love is senseless..." are choosing to take love's kaleidoscope and peer through a single facet. I'm striving to go beyond the direct, past the peripheral brings what I see as my God-given influence to those around me, I can't prioritize it over simply soaking in what God puts in front of me. Poetry is sensory, love is sensory, God is love. Love is good. God is good! <3
So,are we good?..yeah..we are good la ho.. :))

smile and enjoy life to the fullest

"Life is like writing a poem; every piece is put together to create who we are, what we do and how we feel. Every experience shapes us into who we eventually become. Every trauma we faced wasn't easy through its hurts but was allowed to shape our heart so that we'll grow into a better person we dreamt of." 
as a conclusion life must goes ON..hipp hipp hoorayy... (ceah.. terlebih sudah...ha5) 
Ok la thats all for today,till then peeps..have a good days ahead.. ^^

<3 bubble

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hit them UP!

What inspire me most are words of wisdom: quotes, pep talks, listening to the words of successful people.  Some of my favorite quotes you will find below.  They are the quotes I look at when I'm feeling sad, disappointed, excited, driven, happy, or mad.  Quotes can help you think about your own life, and a good quote can change your emotion.

"Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
"Things happen too fast, so be kind to everyone. Treat friends and family as if you will never get to hear their voices again. Live everyday as if it's your last. You never know when your last breath will be."
"Sometimes you have to forget how you feel; and remember what you deserve.
"In one moment your entire life can change course.
The moment you decide where you're going because you refuse to go back to where you've been."

"Life isn't about finding yourself. 
Life is about creating you."

"Everything will turn out alright in the end. If it's not good, then it's not the end."

 " Life is beautiful; try to make it most beautiful."

" Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumblebee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams."

" Faith is no irresponsible shot in the dark. It is a responsible trust in the God who knows the desire of your hearts, the dreams you are given, and the goals you have set. He will guide your paths right."

" Don't just go through life, GROW through life. Yesterday is gone and you can't get it back so leave the wish I.. woulda, coulda, shoulda in the past with it. Each new day you are given a new opportunity to start over and become a better you. The power lies within you"
(I wrote this because I feel we all have the power within us to do and become better. We have to first believe and then act.)

I've learnt that on a quest to start a new life, you will face a lot of challenges and uphill battles that will try to bring you down. Fears will arise that will make you stumble and the only way to stop them is to face them! As a friend, I would like you to know life will knock us down but we can choose to get back up. Remember - Always be strong... Root that in your heart. (as a reminder to myself too..hehe)

Above all, I'm blessed; my Creator is good, ^^

<3 bubble

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Letting Go the negativity

There is a positive change happening in me. Lately I feel like my life is moving forward in a wonderful way. I am experiencing happiness, motivation, inspiration and a general excitement for what life has to bring me.

I feel like I am being awakened to a new level of consciousness and being. I am trusting in God. I am trusting in myself. I am trusting that my life is exactly how it is meant to be right now and I am trusting that everything happens exactly as it is meant to. I am realizing that the way I live my life and how I perceive it is ENTIRELY up to me and it is a CHOICE to be happy and to create a reality which gives me peace and happiness.

Do you ever wonder how people in seemingly the worst circumstances can still smile, laugh and enjoy life, while others who seem to have everything are miserable? It's about being thankful for what you do have, and not what you THINK your life lacks. It seems to me that for so long I have been feeling that money has held me back (i am a little shopaholic :p ) or that I needed certain things in my life to be happy. But what are a few worthless slips of paper going to do for me? Buy me something else that's not going to matter when I'm dead? I read a quote today that goes something along the lines of "the man who dies with the most toys, still dies." And that made me realize that when I am gone, the possessions that I acquired through my life do not matter. It's the experiences, thoughts, feelings relationships and perceptions that I had that will matter. What I do with my life. what positivity I put out into the earth, what I do to better myself and others as human beings is what will matter.
I feel at peace. When I consider these things, I feel my eyes well up with tears of happiness. Do you know what a relief it is to finally feel this amount of peace and understanding?

I'm telling you, right now I'm feeling very impulsive. When I think about things this way it makes me want to pack up and go to my next destination. I want to just say "screw the Man!" and live on my own terms. But reality sets in and I remember I have bills to pay, I have pets to feed ( brother's pets..haha) and I have a responsibility to take care of those things before I can just say screw it and do what I want.

So all in all, I'm feeling good...yayy!

So my plea to you is try finding the positive in every situation. Choose not to have bad days. Choose to perceive things as valuable experiences and lessons rather than as hardships and bad luck. It will make such a difference. boleh la ho...hehe

Well, that's my update for now. I hope you are all out there enjoying life and every moment you are privileged to live! Love your life.. <3

<3 bubble

adding more on my book's collection:bought all this during the popular books' sale..yippie....

having fun with friends; peace,happiness,love ^^

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I love myself on days like this one

 I do not understand, but I will not struggle to do so either
I will remain calm, forget what I need to and experience new things
Free spirit, I do not need anyone else than myself to live or to feel happy :) :D

I've got it all on: Smile, shine, laughter and swag. yippieeeeee!!! :))
love to be "pink" and happy all the time "bubbly" and dreamy.
<3 bubble

Friday, November 19, 2010

wondering if it is worth it

Words are some of the trickiest things in the world. They are little chameleons that never cease to change color when used. I think, in many ways we underestimate their power. This is a sad realization to come to when one thinks of how many words are spoken each day. Communication, while mostly nonverbal, is a key to our survival as human beings. How is it that we manage to forget this fact and speak so freely?
Once a word is spoken, you cannot take it back. It's been said, and it is engraved in time and possibly in hearts forever. Just because it cannot be documented and filed away on paper does not mean that it has lost significance.

A loving word has so much passion and heart. If truly felt, the sincerity cannot be rivaled with. It is so permanent. Even when the word has long since been said, even if the emotion has been altered or cast away, the word still lingers. It never fully disappears.
An angry word has within it just as much passion. It has within it the flames of the burning soul. The strength behind the word is comparable to that of a hurricane. It can toss an entire world upside down in a second. Forgiveness may be sought and granted, but the angry word is forever embracing the conscience and the heart. It cannot be taken back.

Words written on paper may seem more permanent, but they lack the true voice that rings in ears for all eternity to back them up. The piece of paper may be kept or burned, and the words themselves are permanent. However, there is nothing like a word uttered on the lips of another. Those are the words with the real impact.

I have always known the value of words and tone. I won't say that I have never opened my mouth only to have inserted my foot. It happens on many occasions I'm sorry to say. Unfortunately, there have been many times I wish I could go back in time with an eraser. But at least I know the power of what I have said. At least I recognize the impact that my words have had on people. On the other hand, I'm glad that I don't always think before I speak. It means that whatever is being said is coming truly from my heart at that moment and spoken with full emotion.

so say it like u mean it. :)
have a nice day peeps ^^

<3 bubble

frown turns into a SMILE

Woke up in the morning at 8.30am, first thing in my mind was, My result! Omg..I promised to meet my friends at 9am. Yeah…Today was the registration's day and the day for us to get our result for last semester..I rush to the bathroom to take my shower and get myself ready. After everything was done, I drove to campus, with full of confident that everything was fine. teettt....there you go..Reached campus only to find I forgot my beg!...dush! i left my beg at home! That was so clumsy of me..I grab my hand-phone, my attention is to call my friends to tell them not to wait for me, and.. again another problem pops out..My phone was out of credit..! Aright..what a day...I drove back home to get my beg. Once again I rushed back to campus. My friend was there waiting for me. Thanks dear friends.. :)) 
Anyways…frown turn into smile..ya..Thanks God again for the result.. ^^i got my own " flying colours"  but honestly I am not really satisfied with what I’ve gotten for the first subject, but at least  I know I had done my very best to do well in that particular subject. The questions were quite tough especially for the literature's part. All had done by the way.Now is the time to focus on the next semester. Classes will be started by next Monday so I better get ready to step into another battlefield. Yes!! Selamat maju jaya to ME. :p

Dear everyone, take notes that our journey has molded us for our greater good, and it was exactly what needed to be. Don't think that you've lost time. There is no short-cutting to life. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time.

last but not least, be happy for what you've learned and where you come from and be excited for where you are going. :))

" If you stay in gratitude, you will have a fantastic attitude! "

<3 bubble

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Le love 143

To say "I love you!" is a piece of cake. To prove it is a lifetime to take.
Words demand explanation. They require analysis. They are the construction and expression of my thoughts. Of my heart. But they can't describe it. They can't describe any of it. They can't tell you how deep the memories are, or how often I think of them. They can't scream what I really want to say. They are the mask of how I really feel and they try to disguise the pain, but someone will strip it away. And someone will make those words worthless.

So what is a word worth? Nothing. What are three words worth? Nothing. But we say them anyway, because you know. You know, more than anyone what they mean. You know when I say I love you, I really mean that those three words can't describe what it is we have. When I say you're amazing, I know the word is just a cover; a quick way for me to remember all the things that amaze me about you, a mask for the memories we share, a disguised version of our adventures together. And I really believe that you know, when I say I miss you, it's not just that. I miss you every moment, and I miss just what your name means to me. It means an alphabet of sounds and letters and words. But none of them really mean anything, because words are based on trust, they rely on how truly and deeply we feel. Remember, always, that they don't mean anything, they are letters and they are constructions, but we deconstruct them every day and we twist them; we manipulate them so that they say what we want them to. But no word, no shape, no photograph could ever twist so far that it could begin to explain even a little bit of how I feel.
and sometimes is frustrating how you want to say something that you feel... but you just cant do it beacause you dont find the correct words to express how you feel.. :))

The fall came, every day got better and better

<3 bubble

Saturday, November 13, 2010

a walk to remember

just flipped your hair and move on.. :))

holla peeps...have a nice day ahead..^^

Friday, November 5, 2010

bravery have its own limit

once again the day is safe..thanks so much for my dear babe (lyn kajan)<3 u babe!

I've learnt in this life that you’re going to get your heart broken, no matter what you do to safeguard against it. I’ve learnt that the heart is stronger than the best built machine, because the heart when hurt still work. I’ve learnt that the best thoughts out relationships aren’t always the ones that work. I’ve learnt that sometimes we have to dive head first into certain things, and leave everything up to fate, because sometimes, following your heart might just be the best decision ever.

I've learnt that some people just aren’t worth wasting time on, and those who are will be willing to spend more time on you than you do on them. I’ve learnt trust, and the vulnerability of it; how it takes years to build, but only takes suspicion to break. I’ve learnt that the most cliché saying ever, “never judge a book by its cover”, and might just be the truest.

I’ve learnt to have faith in people, even when they don’t give you any reason to, simply because once in awhile, people need someone to believe in them. I’ve learnt that no matter how bad your problems are, there’s always someone out there having it worse. I’ve learnt that good doesn’t always triumph in the end. I’ve learnt that some people will just never change, no matter how hard you believe they will.

I've learnt that to succeed in the future, I have to let go of my past. I’ve learnt that sometimes people make mistakes, and you have to learn how to forgive them. I’ve learnt that sometimes forgiving yourself might be the hardest to do. I’ve learnt never to give up on the future, no matter how bleak it may seem, because whatever negative thing’s happening to you now will pass in time. I’ve learnt never to set your goal too early in life, because sometimes it doesn’t help but instead prevents you from trying out other things.

I’ve learnt that home is always the best, and that family will always stand by you, even though you might not have talked to them for a long time. I’ve learnt that sometimes the best company is your own. I’ve learnt that passion is never enough to get what you want; a talent count for more than anyone thinks.

And finally, I’ve learnt that if you want to love others, you must first learn to love yourself.

Pulled myself together & i feel a whole lot better now. things certainly happened for a reason. speaking of which, i feel like the world is off my shoulder. no point being bitter heartbreak hotel about it. its a phase that i have to go through to get to the better parts of life. oh yes, optimism is my new best friend. lol Go Sophy Go..eheks... ^^ The sun will shine again^^

dear everyone just love your life and live to the fullest ! ^^ 

<3 Bubble